
Account Engagement Rate

The percentage of accounts with engaged contacts relative to the total number of accounts with contacts.

What is the Account Engagement Rate metric?

The Account Engagement Rate metric measures the proportion of accounts that have had any campaign touchpoint within a specified time period out of all accounts in the target pool. It helps in understanding how effectively your campaigns are engaging the accounts in your target list.

Why is Account Engagement Rate important?

Measuring Account Engagement Rate is crucial for several reasons:

  • Evaluate Campaign Effectiveness: Understand how well your campaigns are engaging the target accounts.
  • Optimize Marketing Strategies: Identify which campaigns or touchpoints are most effective in engaging accounts and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Account-based Marketing Insights: Gain insights into account-based marketing efforts by tracking engagement at the account level.
  • Resource Allocation: Make informed decisions on where to allocate marketing resources for maximum engagement and impact.

By analyzing Account Engagement Rate, you can:

  • Determine which segments of your target accounts are most engaged.
  • Identify underperforming campaigns and optimize them for better engagement.
  • Improve overall marketing ROI by focusing efforts on the most engaging tactics.

How is Account Engagement Rate calculated?

The Account Engagement Rate is calculated by dividing the number of engaged accounts (those that had any campaign touchpoint within the time period) by the total number of accounts in the target pool.


Account Engagement Rate =Number of Engaged AccountsTotal Number of Accounts in Target Pool For example, if you have 1000 accounts in your target pool and 300 of those accounts had any campaign touchpoint within the time period, your Account Engagement Rate would be 30%.

This metric provides valuable insights into the reach and effectiveness of your marketing efforts, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to enhance your campaign strategies.

Also known as: Account EngagementAccount Engagement RatioAccount Engagement Percentage

How it works

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Connect the data source
Approve the template
Start live reporting
Account Engagement Rate
The percentage of accounts with engaged contacts relative to the total number of accounts with contacts.
Available with 2 integrations
Salesforce connector
HubSpot connector

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