
MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate

The percentage of leads qualified during the period that have successfully become opportunities.

What is the MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate Metric?

The MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate metric measures the efficiency of converting Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) into new sales opportunities. It reflects the effectiveness of both the marketing qualification process and the ability of the sales team to pursue these qualified leads.

Why is this Metric Important to Measure?

Measuring the MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate provides valuable insights into how well marketing efforts are aligned with sales strategy and priorities. It helps identify strengths and weaknesses in the lead development process, fosters better collaboration between marketing and sales, and enables targeted strategies to enhance conversion efficiency.

How is this Metric Calculated?

The MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate is calculated by dividing the number of MQLs that have converted into sales opportunities by the total number of MQLs created during the specified time period. For example, if 50 MQLs were created in March and 15 converted to sales opportunities, the MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate in March would equal 30%. This metric relies on the defined lead object, a date field that captures when the lead was marketing qualified, and a field indicating if the lead was converted to an opportunity.


MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate (%) =Leads Qualified that converted to an opportunityTotal Leads Qualified in the time period

Also known as: MQL-to-Opportunity RateMQL Conversion Rate

How it works

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MQL-to-Opportunity Conversion Rate
The percentage of leads qualified during the period that have successfully become opportunities.
Available with 2 integrations
Salesforce connector
HubSpot connector

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