
Pipeline by Stage Snapshot

The value of opportunities that were in each stage of the funnel at the end of the period.

What is Pipeline by Stage Snapshot?

Pipeline by Stage Snapshot represents the total value of opportunities that were present in each stage of the sales funnel at the end of a specific period. It provides a snapshot of the distribution of opportunities across different stages at the starting point of the period.

Why is Pipeline by Stage Snapshot Important to Measure?

Measuring the Pipeline by Stage Snapshot is essential for understanding the composition and health of the sales pipeline at the end of a period. By assessing the distribution of opportunities at each stage, sales managers and executives can identify potential bottlenecks or imbalances in the sales process. Additionally, comparing the Pipeline by Stage Snapshot across multiple periods can reveal trends and patterns in the movement of opportunities through the pipeline. It allows businesses to monitor the effectiveness of lead generation efforts and the conversion rates at each stage.

How is Pipeline by Stage Snapshot Calculated?

To calculate the Pipeline by Stage Snapshot, you need to sum the total value of opportunities present in each stage of the sales funnel at the end of the specific period.


Pipeline by Stage Snapshot = ∑ (Opportunities in each stage of the sales funnel at the end of the period) This metric provides a valuable point-in-time view of the sales pipeline and helps businesses assess the status and distribution of opportunities across various stages.

Also known as: Opportunities by stagePoint in time opportunities by stageSales Funnel Point-in-TimeOpportunitis by Stage Snapshot

How it works

Select template
Pick a template
Connect the data
Connect data
Approve template
Start reporting
Pipeline by Stage Snapshot
The value of opportunities that were in each stage of the funnel at the end of the period.
Available with 2 integrations
Salesforce connector
HubSpot connector

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