Building a simple metric starts by clicking on Create Metric. This will open up two options: Aggregate Metric and Formula Metric.
For this video, we’ll focus on Aggregate Metrics, which allow you to calculate a new value based on your data. To create a metric, click Aggregate Metric.
This brings you to the Metric Building page. On the left-hand side, you'll see the Metric Builder Panel. The first step is to select an entity.
After selecting an entity, you'll see data from the Opportunity entity populate the screen.
Next, we set the Operator to determine how the data will be calculated. In this example, we use Sum to calculate the total amount from opportunities. Now, we see the sum of the amount from opportunities displayed.
Currently, we are looking at the total sum for all opportunities. To introduce dates, we need to set the x-axis. We select Contract End Date as our x-axis. Now, we can see the opportunity amount where the contract end date falls within the selected period.
To filter this data, click on the Filters icon. In this example, we filter by Probability and set it to only include opportunities where the probability is 90 or 100. After adding the filter, we see the refined data reflected in the metric.
To save the metric, we need to give it a name. We name it Opportunity Amount High Probability. Once named, the Save Metric button appears at the top. Clicking this button saves the metric.
And that’s how you create an aggregate metric in Sightfull.