How to Perform Period-over-Period Comparison in Sightfull | Step-by-Step Guide
I'm going to show you a highly requested feature that allows you to graph comparisons with historical data. In one graph, you can show current data compared with the historical value of the same metric.
So, let's say you're interested in analyzing your bookings. From the Metrics Catalog, you can open the bookings metric. Next to the time frame selector, you can click on the Compare button, which allows you to choose which time frame you'd like to do a comparison for.
Let's choose the previous year. Now, we see shaded bars next to the current value, which is represented by the solid bar.
If we hover over a bar, we can see insights into what happened between this year and last year. So for instance, in Q2 2023, there was only one booking. In Q2 2024, there were four bookings—representing a 300% increase.
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