
How to Use the Metric Detail Table in Sightfull | Step-by-Step Guide

We're going to talk about the Metric Detail Table.

To view the Metric Detail Table, open a metric. We're going to use ARR as an example.

Once you've opened the metric, you will see the metric displayed in the middle of your page, and below it, the Metric Table.

If we want to focus on the table, we can click below the metric to open the View Table option.

To give the table more space, we can collapse both side panels.

Now, we are looking at the ARR Metric Table with the Period Picker at the top, where we can choose from months, quarters, years, or a custom time range. We will click on Months to view ARR per month.

Now, we can see all ARR data for accounts that had ARR in April 2024.

If we want to add a column, we can click the Add Column button in the top right.

We will now add the Created Date column.

The table is sortable—we can sort by Created Date, ARR, or any other column.

This table allows us to view granular data for a specific period to gain deeper insights.

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