Welcome! Today I'm going to show you how to add a data source in Sightfull. The first thing you're going to do after you log in is go to the data connectors page, which can be found on the right side of the screen.
Once you get there, if you want to add a new data source, you'll click on the blue button, and you'll be able to see all the data sources you've previously added.
After you click on the "Add New Data Source" button, you'll see a list of all the available data sources that you can add. You can go through this list or simply type the name of the data source you would like to add.
Once you select the data source and click "Next," you will start the data source creation process. For all data sources, you will need to add a schema name. This cannot be changed after the data source is connected. Some data sources may require additional information.
During the authorization process, you will need to provide authorization for Sightfull to read your data. A setup guide can be found on the right-hand side of the page for each data source, providing all the necessary information on how to add and authorize it.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us or check out our in-app Help Center for more information.